Special Offering for Minneapolis

Church family we are going to be taking a special offering for Hope Community Church in Minneapolis , they just blocks from the epicenter of recent events where George Floyd was killed and the rioting destroyed so much of that community. Dave and Sharon Johnson and their family have lived their for many years and attended Hope Community Church. They are currently working with the church there and many other christians and organizations to provide material and spiritual help to the community following these events.

The pictures below show some of the spontaneous help that they have been able to engage in. Sharon recently wrote to me, “Hi! Things are much more quiet.  Grace [their daughter] and a friend hit up their social media saying they are going to go pick up personal care items and groceries to deliver to distribution sites.  Their friends and those thre friends passed the info on to ended up raising about $1000. We were also able to pick up a bunch of food delivered to a food shelter that had no way to get the food delivered. It is good to have something tangible to do!”

Please keep them in your prayers! You can make a special offering at worship tomorrow, or by mailing a check

Free Grace Church. 373 E. Shaw Ave. #354. Fresno, CA 93710